What I Ate Today – 7/15/17

Saturday 7.15.17

Here’s what I ate today :

Breakfast :  Yogi Blueberry Green Tea followed by my usual coffee with 2 t. sugar and 2 T. Silk Vanilla Soy Creamer and then a Banana. I took a nice picture of the ladies (the basset hounds) so I included it here, it was such a hot sticky morning !

Walk : 3 miles (my knee is bothering me today, so I decided to forgo my usually Saturday morning run) 😦

Lunch : Salad with romaine as the base topped with this GF macaroni salad I made which has chickpeas, peppers, zucchini, olives and broccoli. I topped the salad with my favorite Hummus and some of Dr. Fuhrman’s Walnut Vinaigrette I made a few days ago.


Afternoon Snacks : 2 ginger chews, Big bowl of watermelon . 2 date, Banana

I was occupied outside in the sunshine reading A Handmaid’s Tale. I wanted to read it before watching the Hulu series.

Dinner : 1 BIG Potato , Hummus blob (again, I love this stuff)  2 cups broccoli, 1 cup corn  & a sparkling water.


After Dinner : 1/2 pint So Delicious Dairy Free Cashew Milk Non-dairy Dessert in the Chocolate Cookies and Cream flavor ! I deicded to indulge as the Yankees went into extra inngings against the Boston Red Sox on tv. Perfect game watching snack! 

It’s really tough for me to eat ‘vegan junk food’ knowing my wedding is so close! But sometimes you have to indulge to avoid a binge episode later . That’s my experience anyway . 

Calories IN : 1,872 

Calories OUT : 2,174 (deficit -302)

Steps : 11,687 

Thanks for reading ! Best, H